Slack community on equity/anti-racism in STEM
Some challenges
Database of articles about bias on implicit bias (from Davis ADVANCE group)
Reading list on institutionalized racism curated by JSTOR
Article about student bias against female classmates (The Washington Post)
Six women scientists though history who were snubbed due to sexism (National Geographic)
When women stopped coding (Planet Money podcast)
Gender blind faculty searches (Dynamic Ecology blog)
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at Canadian Universities: Report on the 2019 Survey
Some solutions and causes for hope
Ten recommendation on how white academics can do better
Universities Canada EDI initiatives archive
Decolonizing science reading list
How to tackle the childcare–conference conundrum
Adapting curriculum to gender-inclusive standards
Project Biodiversify: Tools for promoting diversity and inclusivity in biology classrooms
10 simple words every girl should learn (Role Reboot)
Analysis of gender balance in recent ecology hires (with caveats) (Dynamic Ecology blog)
Why we have too few women leaders, and what to do about it (Ted Talk)
How to be an ally to women in the workplace (
How to help make women’s voices heard in meetings (New York Magazine)
How to make use of Peer Consults, a group problem-solving technique
UC Davis ADVANCE Initiative (with lots of links to research and initiatives on women in STEM, work-life balance, professional associations)
Why diversity in STEM matters (Scientific American)
Racial Equity Tools offers tools, research, tips, curricula and ideas for people who want to increase their own understanding and to help those working toward justice at every level.
A course on critical race theory
Me and White Supremacy Workbook by Layla F. Saad
University of Toronto news
Varsity article on women in science, including excerpts from interviews with women in EEB